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Fix No speaker or headphones are plugged in

 How to fix no speakers or headphones are plugged in - Solve any windows.

#SOLVE "No speakers or headphones are plugged in" error on Windows 10/8/7 ...
#How to solve no speakers or headphones are plugged in" Solve any windows
#New solution solve "speaker plugged in "
#speakers hooked up but no sound
#Suddenly my speakers are "not plugged in no sound ...
#Headphones detected- but no sound
#Windows 10 says there's no speakers or headphones plugged ...

How to solve no speakers or headphones are plugged in" Solve any windows.

How can I fix problems with speakers and headphones in Windows 10?

  1. Update the Audio driver
  2. Re-enable your sound card
  3. Re-enable disconnected devices
  4. Disable the HDMI sound
  5. Disable Front Panel Jack detection
  6. Run Sound Troubleshooter
  7. Restart Windows Audio service
  8. Perform an SFC scan
  9. Delete Windows updates
  10. Perform a System Restore
  11. Try your headphones/speaker on another computer
  12. No sound in specific apps

1. Update the Audio driver

  1. Right-click the Start button and select Device Manager
  2. Find your audio device, right-click it, and select Update driver.
  3. If there are any updates, the installation wizard will install them automatically.
  4. Restart your computer

Update drivers automatically

Downloading and updating drivers manually can permanently damage your system by installing the wrong versions. In order to prevent that, we strongly suggest to do it automatically by using DriverFix.

We have to mention that this tool will also prevent any damage on your PC by downloading and installing the wrong driver versions.

After several tests, our team concluded that this is the best-automatized solution. Below you can find a quick guide on how to do it using DriverFix.

    1. Download and install DriverFix.
    2. Running it will start scanning your PC for outdated drivers automatically. The tool will confront the driver versions against its cloud database of over 18 million drivers and recommend proper updates.
    3. In the end, you will get a report on all problem drivers found on your PC.DriverFix automatically update drivers
    4. Look at the list and check the boxes to the left of the drivers you want to install. You can also check the Select All box from the top and install all of them.

Re-enable your sound card

  1. Go to Search, type devicemngr, and open Device Manger
  2. Expand Sound, video and game controllers
  3. Right-click your sound card, and go to Disable
  4. Restart your computer
  5. Go back to Device Manager, and Enable your sound card once again
  6. If you can hear the sound, you problem is resolved

Note: If you’re having any sound card issues, solve them quickly with the useful solutions from this expert guide 

  1. Restart your computer


Go To Seach Bar - Type Realtak Audio Manager

3. Device Advanced Settings

4.Change the Front Panel 


5.Enabel the Front Panel Jack detection

Than check your sound.

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